The National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists (NBCOT) Certification Examination for Orthopaedic Technologists measures entry-level knowledge and skills in Orthopaedic Technology.
The examination is a criterion-referenced exam, meaning it is designed to assess what a particular candidate knows or can do and not how the candidate performs in a relation to an outside reference group. The exam is based on a role delineation study, or a very detailed job description of the profession of an Orthopaedic Technologist, which is used to determine the exam content. NBCOT reviews and revises the role delineation peropdically to determine its continued relevance to the practice of Orthopaedic Technology. NBCOT solicits questions for the examination item banks from Certified Orthopaedic Technologists, Orthopaedic Physicians, and other professionals who have expertise in the areas that are measured on the examination. The certification examination is reviewed and revised by the NBCOT annually.
NBCOT's testing agency Schroeder Measurement Technologies (SMT) provides technical support to NBCOT in the development and revision of the examination, item writing, scoring and analysis of the examination.
The Orthopaedic Technologist - Certified are those individuals that have demonstrated the knowledge and skills needed to work as an Orthopaedic Technologist and who have passed the National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologist Certification Examination.
The Orthopaedic Technologist - Certified is specifically trained as an extension of the Orthopaedic Surgeon and assists in the treatment of the Orthopaedic patient which includes patient assessment, casting, splinting, bracing, traction and orthopaedic surgery.
The Orthopaedic Technologist has a working knowledge of aseptic techniques, and is able to prepare for surgical procedures, assembling and preparing equipment to the specifications of the Orthopaedic Surgeon, the Orthopaedic Technologist may act as a first assistant in the operating room according to hospital policies.
The Orthopaedic Technologist is able to fit and adjust various orthopaedic appliances, such as walkers, crutches, braces, etc. as well as giving patients instructions.
A link to the OTC Standards of Practice are found at the bottom of this page.
An Orthopaedic Technologist - Surgery Certified (OT-SC) carries out functions that will provide assistance to the Orthopaedic Surgeon in performing safe operations with optimal results for patients. OT-SCs' perform under the direct supervision of the Orthopaedic Surgeon and have acquired sufficient knowledge to perform the necessary duties through formal education, continuing education, supervised practice, or any combination of these methods.
OT-SCs' are not trained to perform any surgical procedures independent of an Orthopaedic Surgeon. The defined role of the OT-SC will vary with the Orthopaedic Surgeon, surgical procedure, or the facilities where surgical procedures are performed.
A link to the OT-SC Standards of Practice are found at the bottom of this page.
Any Employer that has paid for an applicant’s examination fee has the right to cancel an application, or examination registration with or without a set appointment, and request a refund, or transfer of fees paid to another employee’s application, at any time. This must be done by submitting their request writing to the NBCOT office. A $100.00 processing fee will apply to all transfers or a $250.00 processing fee for complete cancellation. Please refer to the “Complete Cancellation of Registration” outline above for specific guidelines and requirements. Test Administrative Cancellation Fees will apply per the “Examination Appointment, Rescheduling and Refund Policies. All requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Any complaints from the Applicant or Registered Candidate relating to an examination cancellation or transfer that was made by an Employer, and approved by the NBCOT, are to be addressed between the Applicant or Registered Candidate and the Employer. Any issues arising from any Employer cancelling an Application, or Examination Registration with or without an Exam Appointment will not be mediated or involve the National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists, Inc. or the Test Administrator in any way.
REFUND GUIDELINES Request must clearly outline the reason for the cancellation and refund request to be considered. 3 ORIGINAL SIGNED REQUESTS MUST BE MAILED VIA “US CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED MAIL” to:
4736 ONONDAGA BLVD. #166
SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13219-3404
Requests may be acknowledged by telephone, and will be acknowledged in writing within 14 business days of receipt to the NBCOT office.
It is the responsibility of the National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists, Inc. to investigate any complaints made against an OTC® or the OT-SC™ and if warranted recommend action against such individuals certification or eligibility to become certified to the NBCOT Disciplinary Committee. Action may range from barring an individual from taking the OTC® or OT-SC™ examination to revoking an individuals certification.
The NBCOT Standards of Practice for the OTC®, OT-SC™ and the NBCOT Code of Ethics allows the NBCOT to define the professional responsibilities for the OTC® and OT-SC™ and candidates. The National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists, Inc. will take action when there is a clear breach of these codes of Ethics and Standards of Practice (see below).
All complaints must be submitted in writing and cannot be made anonymously as the accused has a right to know the identity of the person filing the complaint as well as the particulars surrounding the complaint. Individuals wishing to file a complaint may use the NBCOT complaint form. The complaint form is then submitted to the NBCOT office at:
National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists, Inc.
ATTN: Disciplinary Committee
4736 Onondaga Blvd. # 166
Syracuse, NY 13219
Once a complaint is made, the NBCOT Executive Director Evaluates the complaint and if it is found to be valid, the complaint is then sent to the Disciplinary Review Committee where the complaint is investigated and evaluated for breach of the NBCOT Standards of Practice or Code of Ethics. If the complainant is found to be in violation of these standards, the complaint is then sent to the Disciplinary Committee where appropriate action is determined.
If an individual has action taken against him or her, they have the right and availability to appeal the decision through the NBCOT Disciplinary Appeals Committee. These procedures are listed in more detail in the NBCOT Ethics Case Procedures.
The Disciplinary Committee acts fairly in carrying out its responsibilities to the public and protecting the rights of accused individuals.
Final actions are published regularly on the NBCOT Website under Disciplinary Actions and are reported to employers, state regulatory agencies and the general public.
If you have any questions about how to file a complaint, contact the NBCOT at: 1 (866) 466-2268
Download NBCOT Complaint Form Below
Question: What is the difference between the National Association of Orthopaedic Technologists (NAOT) and the National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists, Inc. (NBCOT, Inc)?
Answer: The National Association of Orthopaedic Technologists (NAOT) is the National Professional Membership Association of Orthopaedic Technologists. The National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists, Inc. (NBCOT, Inc.) maintains and develops the Certification Examination and is the National credentialing body for the Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists. The National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists, Inc. is not a "Membership" Association or Organization. Both the NAOT and NBCOT are financially and administratively separate entities.