On November 1, 2013 the NBCOT contacted the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS.gov) for clarification of the meaningful use standards. Below is the response.
According to the Electronic Health Records Center of the Center for Medicare and Medicare Services, the answer to the NBCOT inquiry is below regarding the Orthopaedic Technologist Certified (OTC®).
Thank you for your recent inquiry. Below is the information you requested regarding Certified Orthopedic Technologists entering orders into the electronic health record (EHR).
"If a staff member of the eligible provider is appropriately credentialed and performs similar assistive services as a medical assistant but carries a more specific title due to either specialization of their duties or to the specialty of the medical professional they assist, he or she can use the computerized provider order entry (CPOE) function of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) and have it count towards the measure.
This determination must be made by the eligible provider based on individual workflow and the duties performed by the staff member in question.
Whether a staff member carries the title of medical assistant or another job title, he or she must be credentialed to perform the medical assistant services by an organization other than the employing organization. Also, each provider must evaluate his or her own ordering workflow, including the use of CPOE, to ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local law and professional guidelines."
Thank you,The EHR Information Center