To list a job opening to the NBCOT Website please note the following:
The cost of posting a job opening on the NBCOT website is $100.00 and is payable by Visa, MasterCard or Corporate Check. Payment must be included with the Position Wanted Form below and mailed to:
Attn: Job Bank
PO Box 349
Crompond, NY 10517-0349
The job posting will be on the NBCOT website for Ninety (90) days from the date the position is posted.
Only positions requesting an NBCOT Certified Orthopaedic Technologist (OTC) will be posted. Ads requesting any position other than an NBCOT Certified Orthopaedic Technologist (OTC) will be returned unprocessed.
Your job post will read as: " Seeking NBCOT Certified Orthopaedic Technologist (OTC) or NBCOT Certified Orthopaedic Technologist - Surgery Certified (OT-SC).
Please complete electronically, print and send to:
Attn: Job Bank
PO Box 349
Crompond, NY 10517-0348