All forms and guidelines are updated every year. To avoid delay in processing, please be sure you are using the current years form.
PO Box 349
Crompond, NY 10517-0349
As an OTC® and a health care professional, it is your responsibility to keep track of your continuing education and year your certification is due to expire. There is no grace period allowed. Certifications are good for six (6) years and lapse on December 31, of your sixth year.
NBCOT defines continuing competence consistent with the NCCA’s definition that “demonstrating specified levels of knowledge, skills, or ability not only at the time of initial certification but throughout an individual’s professional career.”
Recertification by Continuing Education can be obtained by submitting 120 CEUs. The OTC ® should participate in a minimum of 20 credits each year to maintain competence in the field of Orthopaedic Technology. Out of the 120 credits, a minimum of 40 credits must be obtained in Category 1. Category 1 credits are those credits that have been deemed the most valuable education for the OTC®. Those certificants that hold the OTC® and the OT-SC™ certificate must obtain a minimum of 20 Category 1 and a minimum of 20 Category 1A (Specific to Orthopaedic Surgery). The remaining 80 credits can be in any category the certificant chooses.
It is the responsibility of each certificant to maintain original documentation for each activity submitted to the NBCOT for credit. As stated in the CEU Guidelines, it is recommended that each certificant submit CEUs as soon after the activity has been completed. It is the certificants responsibility to keep original documents safe and secure during his/her certification period.
The NBCOT will not accept CEU submissions that are lacking proper documentation as stated in the CEU Guidelines or incomplete CEU Submission Forms. Without properly completed CEU Submission Forms and proper documentation, the certificants submission will be returned without consideration.
All activities submitted for credit are subject to review and approval by the NBCOT Recertification Program. Fractions of credits may be reported in one-quarter (0.25) increments.
Credit is not granted for time spent at social functions, lunches or breaks.
The Deadline for submitting CEUs is October 1st, of the year your certification is due to expire. Any CEUs submitted that are receied AFTER October 1st. will incur a $100.00 Late Fee.
The CEU Guidelines and CEU Submission Form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page under Links & Downloads.
Should you decide to recertify by examination, you would need to apply, be approved and successfully pass the certification examination prior to your certification lapse date. The last testing cycle you can sit for recertification is November of the year your certification is due to lapse.
You must be aware that not all CEUs obtained through ATC activity may be transferred to the OTC credential for recertfication. CEUs submitted must be Orthopaedic related. You will NOT receive credit for subjects related to subjects dealing with the role of an ATC,. Submitting non approved CEUs will result in the delay of processing your submission and may also result in incurring a late fee of $100.00. Any questions should be directed to the NBCOT office or contact the chairman at
Why won't the NBCOT accept personal checks?
Answer: The policy not to take personal checks was put into place after receiving a rash of bad personal checks both for testing and continuing education submissions. The NBCOT incurred heavy bank bank charge back fees and legal fees to collect the funds due. In the interest of all concerned, this policy will not change.
Question: What is required to maintain my OTC® Certification?
Answer: The first thing you should do is make yourself aware and familiar with the current CEU Guidelines that are found in the download section of this page. There are two ways to maintain your certification, either by obtaining and submitting 120 CEUs within your 6 year cycle or by re-examination. CEUs must be completed and submitted prior to October 1st of the year you are due to recertify to avoid incurring a late fee. If you choose to recertifiy through examination, you must complete your recertification examination prior to the end of your current certification.
Question: I am also an Athletic Trainer, why can't I use all of my ATC CEUs for my OTC Certification?
Answer: As stated in the above bullet, not all subjects at ATC conferences deal specifically with Orthopaedic Technology. Only subjects directly related to Orthopaedics will be approved for Continuing Education.
The NATA Symposium has been approved for a total of 20 CEUs. Any State or local Athletic Trainer Association conferences can be submitted for consideration providing you include a copy of the agenda and certificate of completion. Each submission will be reviewed and credit will be awarded accordingly.
MedScape is an example of a source for online CEUs .
Online CEUs fall into Category 2 credits.
VuMedi is an example of a source for online CEUs .
REMEMBER ONLY ORTHOPAEDIC RELATED SUBJECTS WILL BE CONSIDERED. (NOTE: no certificate of completion is given. Record name of video you watch on CEU submission form.
All VuMedi Videos are worth 1 Cat. 1 credit.
FORE is an example of a source for online CEUs .
Online CEUs fall into Category 2 credits.
Pri-Med is an example of a source for online CEUs .
Online CEUs fall into Category 2 credits.