NBCOT does not support, endorse, or have any type of affiliation with, any company advertising or selling study preparation materials for NBCOT Certification Examinations, and does not endorse their representations or products.
It has come to the attention of NBCOT that a number of companies advertise and sell study preparation materials to candidates preparing to take the OTC® and OT‐SC™ Certification Examinations. In some instances, these companies represent that the product(s) identify specific examination content areas and "guarantee" to help a candidate successfully pass the OTC® or OT‐SC™ examination. For example, one educational publishing firm offers the following study preparation materials on its company Internet site: "Orthopaedic Technologist Certified Exam Secrets Study Guide;" and, "Orthopaedic Technologist Certified Exam Flashcard Study System."
NBCOT does not support, endorse, or have any type of affiliation with, any of these companies, and does not endorse their representations or products. Additionally, NBCOT has not authorized the use and/or display of the NBCOT trademarks, including the OTC® and OT‐SC™ marks. Therefore, NBCOT does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the representations being made by these companies concerning NBCOT examinations, or the products and materials being sold.
As explained in the OTC® Examination Application and Candidate Handbook, "there is no one study guide, reference, or textbook that will solely guarantee that you will pass the OTC® Certification Examination." In order to prepare for the examination, NBCOT recommends that candidates review the examination preparatory references and materials identified on the NBCOT website, including, but not limited to: "Exam Breakdown,""OTC-JTA Results", "OTC References" located within this page
Please contact the NBCOT Executive Director at Executivedirector@nbcot.net with any additional questions concerning the NBCOT examinations.
Only One (1) Eligibility Route is required to be met and the appropriate application must be submitted.
The approved eligibility routes are as follows:
Eligibility Route A: The Certification examination is based on an individual with a minimum of twenty-four (24) months of full time work experience as an Orthopaedic Technologist in a U.S Hospital, Clinic or Private Practice, including work experience directly related to all current OTC Certification Examination Domains.
Eligibility Route B: This route is set up for those candidates that have completed a structured Orthopaedic Technologist program.
Eligibility Route C: The National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists has recognized that Certified/Licensed Athletic Trainers have met many of the requirements and guidelines that coincide with the Orthopaedic Technologists Certified. Therefore, a special eligibility route has been created.
Please refer to a more detailed description of the eligibility routes found on the bottom of this page under "Downloads".
References for the OTC Examination can be found from the link on the bottom of this page. Please note that there is not one text book that will insure a successful outcome of your Examination. Texts used in the creation of test questions are listed within the Examination Reference document.
The Applicant Handbook is a vital tool to be used in completing your OTC Examination Application. It is strongly suggested that you download this handbook and become yourself familiar with it's contents before completing your application. The Applicant Handbook can be found at the bottom of this page under Downloads.
The NBCOT Examination Applications can be found at the bottom of this page under downloads. Please note that there is an application for each eligibility route so make sure you complete the appropriate application for the eligibility route you are applying under. The use of the wrong application will result in a delay in processing your application and may cause you to incur late registration fees. If you are recertifying by examination use application for eligibility route A.
Please Note that after downloading the appropriate application it can either be completed on your computer or by pen. If you complete the application on your computer, you must print it out in single sided format and mail to the NBCOT office listed on the first page of the application.
Question: I am being considered for a job and I need my credentials in my hand before I am hired. Why does it take so long to receive my new Certification packet?
Answer: Examination results are issued to a candidate at the test center immediately after their examination has been completed as a courtesy; however, the NBCOT office is notified of the official examination results up to five (5) business days after a candidate has completed their examination. A newly credentialed person will be placed into rotation for receipt of their certification packet at that time. If any potential employer needs verification that a person is currently credentialed, or has been recently credentialed by the National Board for Certification of Orthopaedic Technologists, Inc., all the Employer, Human Resource Representative or Credentialing Agency Representative needs to do is contact the NBCOT Office. Score reports or individual testing statistics are never given to any person other than the credential holder. All printed materials associated with credentialing are produced and mailed to the credential holder within 6-8 weeks after the completion of the testing cycle you were in.
The following links are to be used only for 2025 Examinations. Call the office if you have any questions. 866-466-2268.